Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mama Always Said...

I love talking with other moms; listening to their stories, hearing their ideas and solutions... it fills me up! I always come away with wonderful tips or encouragement. I thought it would be fun to share some things here. So this is a first in a series. I sent a list of questions to some of the wonderful women in my life and asked for their wisdom. I am so excited to share their responses with all of you!

I am pleased to introduce you to my friend Danielle. God brought us together in North Carolina at She Speaks. Although she didn't know it (or maybe she did), she was part of God's plan for me this summer. Danielle has a heart for pouring Truth into our young girls and her ministry is similar to the one God placed on my heart. We became good friends during those three days as I asked questions and listened intently to her responses and wisdom. I hope you enjoy learning from Danielle and what she has to share from her journey.

1. What is your life verse? What does it mean to you?

Ezekiel 36:26 ~~ Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

No matter how much I've messed up, how hardened my heart has gotten, God WILL remove that stubborn part of me and give me a heart that's tender and a spirit that's willing. Amen!

2. I realized I was my mother when...
Actually, I realized I was worse than my mother when I wouldn't allow my daughter to go to a friends house without knowing every single detail about the childs family and home. Well, really, she's only been allowed to go to about 3 different homes. LOL Bless her, Mama is very protective.

3. I know now, but I wish I knew then...
Loving your child is the most rewarding and yet painful thing you'll partake in in life.

4. What is one thing you do just for you to relax and refresh?
Sit outside and read a book. No distractions. No thoughts except for whats going on in the characters lives. Or, writing my own characters.

5. By now, I thought I would...Have a more consistant walk with the Father.

6. In the midst of the chaos a special trick that helps me cope...
Close my eyes and repeat over and over-- Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

7. If I could go back for one day...
I don't think I'd really change anything because it's all lead me to where I am today. Disappointments. Heartache. Triumphs. Failures and all.

8. The best advice I ever received about being a Mom...You're not perfect. And neither will your child be.

9. Don't worry about...
The small stuff. Spilled milk can be cleaned up. Enjoy each moment. Hug your precious one(s) alot. Cuddle. Giggle and LOVE.

10. A perfect day for me...
Relaxing with my husband and daughter. Doing simple things like walking during a beautiful fall day with the beauty of God's creation around us. Holding hands. Laughing. Play fighting.;-) Sometimes just sitting with them in silence. Just to know they are there and no words need to be spoken.

You can read more by Danielle on her blog.


1 comment:

  1. You are too precious, Lynnette. Truly. Thank you for this opportunity!

    I feel humbled by the fact that God would use me, and delighted and excited to see where God is going to take you on your own journey.

    Looking forward to seeing what other moms have to say! This was a great idea!



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