Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lessons from the Lions Den

Daniel was a good man. He sought God and obeyed His commands. God had a plan for Daniel. King Belshazzar needed information and none of the wise men in his courts could help him. Someone suggested Daniel. Daniel was brought to the king, and by seeking God, Daniel was able to provide the information the king desired. From that moment, he continued to do well within the courts. He impressed the king’s successor and became even more successful.

Daniel was thriving in his work! In that time and in our time, success often comes with a target for you to wear. Daniel entered his “first lion’s den”. The other people in his “office” became jealous.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 

There was talk of promotion and that did not sit well with the others. They decided that Daniel had to go. They watched every move he made in order to catch him doing something illegal or to compromise his character. They found nothing. Daniel was a person of integrity.

The coworkers decided the only thing that would cause Daniel to fall would be his dedication to God. The administrators went to the king and encouraged him to make a new law. The law stated that for the next 30 days people should only pray to the king. Anyone caught disobeying this law would be thrown to the lions.

Daniel knew about this new law. But, he was dedicated to God. He continued the Jewish practice of praying three specific times throughout the day. He did not hide his prayer or his beliefs, he continued just as he always had. I believe that Daniel feared God more than he feared man. He did not compromise who he was even with the possibility of death hanging over him.

The authorities reported to the king that Daniel was continuing his daily prayer times. The king liked Daniel and did not want him to be killed. The king tried to find a loophole, but he could not. So, with more pressure from the coworkers, the king sent for Daniel. They threw Daniel into the lions den and as the den was closed the king said, “May your God, whom you serve continually rescue you!” The king did not like that he had sealed the fate of a good man.

At first light, the king rushed to the lion’s den to see if Daniel had made it through the night. Daniel was alive! All of the glory belonged to God. God rewarded Daniel’s dedication and character. The king sent for the men who had wrongly accused Daniel, they were killed. The king also issued a new law that everyone in the kingdom should “fear and reverence the God of Daniel”.

In his time, Daniel was a captive, a prisoner, but today he was my teacher. There are so many things I can learn from Daniel.

Jealousy is an ugly thing! It makes us act and behave ugly. It makes us say things we wish we hadn’t. It makes us do things we often regret. Jealousy is not of God. It is human nature and it is difficult to fight that nature alone.

I need to work on being happy for others when they are blessed or when they are successful. By seeking God, I will be filled with the Holy Spirit and the fruit that He provides. When I am filled with His love, I can love others and honestly share in their success.

In the face of adversity Daniel did not compromise his character. Integrity is a beautiful thing! It is refreshing to see someone so faithful to God that he is willing to put his life in jeopardy rather than stop worshipping Him.

I need to work on being true to who I am in Jesus. He has changed me for the better. I am not perfect and I won’t be as long as I am on Earth, but I am better with Him than I am without Him.

In a world full of lies and deceit it is easy to get caught up in all of it. It is often easier to pretend I am someone else rather than risk being looked at as a “Jesus freak”. It is often easier to go along with the crowd rather than stand up and say, “These are my beliefs and I will follow them at any cost”.

I need to work on being more afraid of God than of people. I doesn’t matter if I lose my social standing or the worldly image that others want to see. What truly matters is that I am seeking Him first.

Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. 2 John 1:8 

Lord, I thank you for providing such great examples in Your Word. I praise you that an event from 2600 years ago is still applicable to my life. Only you could accomplish such a magnificent feat. Thank you for teaching me lessons that bring me closer to you and closer to the plan that you have prepared for me. Please help me to become a person of integrity who is dedicated to you and not ashamed to say “I love my God and will follow Him at any cost”. In Jesus precious name. Amen. 



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