Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You are treasured!

I read this post last week, and as a mom of a boy, I cheered. Thank God there are families in this world teaching good moral character. They are taking a stand and saying this is what we believe, this is what we are looking for and we will not put up with anything less.

... and... as a mom of a girl, I wanted to cry. What are we teaching our girls? Are we telling them how wonderful they are because of who they are in Christ? Do they know there are boys who are looking for good, nice, modest girls? Do they understand that not all attention is good attention?

I have seen some questionable pictures and frightening comments. I wish I could talk with each of these girls...

"Do you know how special you are? God created you just the way you are. He knit you together just the way He wanted. You are His masterpiece. He has a wonderful plan for you and your life. I know that life is hard sometimes. Not everyone is going to like you all the time and that is ok. Sometimes it is more important to stand apart from the crowd than it is to blend in. There are people who will love you for who you are, and you won't need to compromise your morals for them."

I can't speak with each of them, so I created art instead.

You are precious.
You are beautiful.
You are adored.
You are a masterpiece.
You are royalty.
You are victorious.
You are free.
You are treasured.
You are His.

They will be available with different girls and customized with names.

I would love to hear your thoughts!

*** they are up on my etsy shop now *** order yours today ***



  1. I'd like to place an order :) I'll check your etsy shop!!!

    1. Thank you Reg. I sent you an email, but I will also be adding these to the Etsy shop later today. They are fully customizable (hair, eye, skin color and name).

  2. Fabulous blog! following you from A cat like curiosity blog hop.

  3. Hey there I love your colorful art and the message behind it - beautiful.

    Thanks so much for linking with us :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

    1. Hi Sarah! Thanks for the link party and thanks for hopping over here.



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