There are three parts to my silly title.
First, the mismatched socks. One day, my daughter completely ran out of socks. I was doing laundry on a regular basis, so how could she be out? I decided to start sock-hunting while she was at school. I was shocked and appalled to find 27 socks stashed around her room- tucked into every corner, left under the bed, in the closet- socks everywhere! I remember calling my friend Gidget in order to get some moral support with my latest child-rearing issue and her response was, "Why does she have so many socks?" I can laugh now, but at the time I was irritated by the whole thing!
Second, the burnt toast. We have this awful toaster that does not work! The bread either comes out lukewarm or burnt beyond recognition. At the time I named the blog, it was a brand-new toaster and a gift, so we just dealt with it's inadequacy and the game it provided each morning... what kind of toast are we having today?
Finally, Jesus. Through it all, He has been there. My calm in the storm. My sanity. My hope. My wisdom. My voice of reason. He has carried me on the days I couldn't find my way. I am grateful. Because of Him, I am able to look at these situations and laugh.
I love that our God has a sense of humor. This morning He and I laughed about the blog title and the fact that I can no longer eat toast.
In December of 2012, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Gluten Intolerance. Experts may argue which came first, sort of like the chicken and the egg, it doesn't really matter to me, I have both and my life has changed because of it. No more toast for me!
So, I asked Him, "What is next? Should I change the name of the blog, since it no longer fits?"
To be honest, I'm not sure. Perhaps it is His reminder to me that His ways are higher than our ways and thoughts. Instead of trying to figure Him out, I just need to enjoy spending time with Him and experiencing the blessing of today. I know He has a plan for me and it is good, and my human brain is not able to see all of my life at once. I only need to trust Him moment by moment, knowing He is with me and watching and helping.
What is God teaching you today? I would love to hear from you.
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