Hello Friends! I have some more great insight from another She Speaks Sister! I am pleased to introduce Tammy. We didn't have a long conversation while in NC, but we did meet briefly. I hope you enjoy her answers and then go visit her blog.
1. What is your life verse? What does it mean to you?Colossians 3:23,24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
This verse is a constant reminder for me when I want to whine about having to do something, especially when I want to be doing something else. It causes me to remember that it's not me I'm working for or even others, it is the Lord.
2. I realized I was my mother when...I always finish my salad first even when my hot food is there! She did this because "that's what you do", but I do it because I like the veggies the most anyway!
3. I know now, but I wish I knew then...With having an overbearing, mean-sprited Mother-in-law that I am a valid human being and I should speak up for myself when someone seems to always been in attack mode. My husband wasn't responsible for "fixing" it, I needed to speak up from the very beginning, versus 34 years of pain.
4. What is one thing you do just for you to relax and refresh?When I just need to slow down, refresh and re-connect I grab a good book, my Bible, a journal, a mug of tea (or sweet iced tea!) and plop down into a big comfy chair. I tune out my surroundings and become one with His Word and others' words through the written word. Love me some books!
5. By now, I thought I would...Have resolved my weight issue. Also, that I would have been more confident in myself and who I was. (Thanks to the answer to #3, it often felt like one step forward, 4 steps back.)
6. In the midst of the chaos, a special trick that helps me cope...I remind myself about Esther and Mordecai when he says to her in Esther 4:14b..
"And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Then I think to myself..."this too shall pass, this too shall pass..."
7. If I could go back for one day...I'd love to go back to Virginia and sit with my Grandma-Granny Ireson, my Grandma-Grandma Meade, my Mom and my daughter and ask all the questions I wished I would have asked them then but was too young to realize how I'd want to know now. I've always had the joy of being around both my Grandma and Great Grandma and was so thankful my daughter had that joy as well.
8. The best advice I ever received about being a Mom...Always look for things to say "Yes" to rather than always having to say "No". Offer alternative opportunities when you do have to say "No". And "because I said so" is not an answer.
9. Don't worry about......the little stuff. Pick your battles. One thing I remember my Mom arguing with me about was what I wore in any professional photo or school picture. I always let my daughter pick out what she wanted for that picture. Now, looking back, we laugh at her personality breaking through each of those pictures and enjoy the happy faces because it didn't start out with an attitude and her unhappy in her clothes!
10. A perfect day for me...Spending a day at the beach with my two favorite people in the whole world, my hubby and my daughter. With my toes in the sand, a book in my hands at water's edge...ahhhh - paradise this side of heaven!
You can find Tammy seeing humor and laughter in every aspect of life and then telling all about it on her blog: http://tickledpinktammy.blogspot.com. Tammy’s rough childhood as a lonely, only-child who received much criticism from family is the driving force of her passion to always encourage others and make them smile. She is a Christian who resides in Ohio with her husband of 30 years, Larry. They have a grown daughter, Kristen, and a 4-pound Teacup Yorkie, Toto. You can also connect with Tammy on her Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tickled-Pink-Tammy/140968045978968